Blini Demidoff Hors d’Oeuvres or Dinner Course Dish

Blini Demidoff: Hors d’Oeuvres or Dinner Course Dish

Do you have a palate for fine gourmet foods? I certainly do. Occasionally I like to treat myself to a very tasty gourmet nosh of brie and crackers, blini demidoff, foie gras and a glass of champagne, not all at once of course.

I use to be of the mindset that I could only partake in these foods around the holidays or for special occasions, for instance every New Year’s Eve. I would always have caviar on buttered toast quarters with a glass of champagne. You don’t have to be rich to enjoy these foods. Caviar can be moderately expensive to very expensive. You can buy quality reasonably priced caviar at your local grocery store or gourmet food and wine shop.

Babette’s Feast

This dish Blini Demidoff was featured in the movie Babette’s Feast, a 1987 Danish motion picture. It won an Academy Award for best foreign film. In the movie Blini Demidoff was served as the second course in the feast scene. The original recipe was comprised of buck wheat pancakes, caviar and sour cream and served with champagne.

Blini Demidoff Recipe

In this recipe I put my own spin on blini demidoff. Instead of buck wheat pancakes made from scratch, I use a pancake mix. It could be any brand. Make your pancakes according to how many people you are serving. The pancakes should be about 3 inches in diameter. You’re looking to make mini pancakes. You will also need cooking oil, diced red onions, sour cream and caviar.

Pour about a tablespoon of the batter for mini pancakes onto a oiled hot pan or skillet. When you see light browning around edges turn pancake over. Each side should take about a 1 ½ minutes per side to cook.

Prepare and plate mini pancakes. Spoon a dollop of caviar onto the pancakes, next spoon dollop of sour cream on top of caviar and then top with diced red onions.

Enjoy with your favorite bottle of champagne.

Serve this scrumptious dish as an Hors d’Oeuvres or a dinner course.